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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Angela (Anonymous, 188.146.96.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What is the difference between Cital and Pregabalin?

Hi, what is the difference between cital and pregalin?and what is stronger.

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

Cital contains as an active substance citalopram - a selective inhibitor of serotonin reuptake (5-HT) with antidepressant effect. The mechanism of action of citalopram is based on the intensification of neuronal serotonin transmission, works well in the treatment of depression and prevention of recurrence of depressive disorders. Pregabalin, on the other hand, belongs to a group of medicines used to treat epilepsy, neuropathic pain and generalised anxiety disorders in adults. Based on the research conducted so far, it can be successfully used in pharmacotherapy of generalized anxiety disorder, both as monotherapy and in adjuvant therapy. Drugs come from two different pharmacological groups - it is impossible to compare their potency, because each of them exerts a healing effect on the basis of a different mechanism.

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