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pacjent (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) Warszawa 2 years ago

When will Aurora 8/8 be?

When will the Aurora 8/8 be you able to send a new inquiry to the manufacturer? Thank you.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Today I received information from the manufacturer that at the end of next week the first batch - 30 kg of raw material - will go to pharmaceutical wholesalers.

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Now you can ask the manufacturer when he will introduce 8/8 right?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Perdian: Yes, that's true. However, it should be borne in mind that such a prescription is valid for 30 days from the date of its issue.

Perdian (Anonymous, 185.170.200.) 2 years ago

Appear certainly did not appear - you can check even on this site. And it is not the case that prescriptions can theoretically be issued for all registered drugs in Poland, even if they are not in stock?

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago


Perdian (Anonymous, 185.170.200.) 2 years ago

Well, for now it is said that it will be in the first week of March, so it remains to wait. I bet that traditionally at the beginning of March we will get information from the manufacturer that the delivery will be in mid-March.

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Please repeat the question to the manufacturer and wholesaler in connection with the 8/8 variety. Maybe there will be some specifics. When will wholesalers receive?

Perdian (Anonymous, 185.170.200.) 2 years ago

It was predictable, I did not set myself up, because the delivery has been postponed many times since the first half of December last year, just follow this thread and entries on the product page. There is no reason to believe in any words of the manufacturer, because it can translate even a year. It will be as it will be, and the manufacturer probably gives the nearest possible date, so as not to off patients and give them hope, and, for example, discourage them from using the black market. After all, it is one thing to say that it will be from next week, and another thing if the manufacturer gave the delivery date, e.g. for August - a wave of criticism would fall on them. This is the seventh delay in deliveries, I have been looking at it with a distance since the fifth.

Andrzej Konopny (Anonymous, 178.235.183.) 2 years ago

Calmly in a moment Polish producers will enter, this German Monopoly and tarnishing our precious nerves will end. Apparently, the price will be completely different 2 around 30-45 PLN / g

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

I guess I do not believe in what I read from Mrs. Mgr... I expected faster a .... but not later, well, no eggs. Shock.

PACJENT (Anonymous, 79.184.239.) 2 years ago

Eggs do themselves ... Sooner the 3rd World War will begin than we will get a new variety of :D

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Today we received information from the manufacturer that the first delivery of dried 8/8 to pharmacies is planned for the first week of March this year.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @pacjent: I contacted the manufacturer today, as soon as I get a response, it will be posted under this post and on the product page.

pacjent (Anonymous, 188.146.46.) 2 years ago

Does the manufacturer maintain that from the new week in pharmacies will be 8/8?

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Is it already known since when the distribution 8/8? Possibly when will modumpharma get into stock? ps. after 21m, while in pharmacies from 22go? As it is a new week Mrs. MSc please ask in modumpharma and at the manufacturer. Greetings.

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Thank you

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The manufacturer has provided information that dried 8/8 is to be available in week 8 - that is, after February 21 this year.

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Your master is a new week, you will call modumpharma to ask what and how in the case 8/8

pacjent (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

However, I believe in this entry mrs. mgr

Perdian (Anonymous, 185.170.200.) 2 years ago

@mypacjenci 8/8 was initially supposed to be at the beginning of December, then until the end of the year, then at the beginning of this year, then at the beginning of February, and now in mid-February.

pacjent (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Will you remind mgr how many kg 8/8 will be in this batch?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @mypacjenci: To clarify. Mid-February is a very real 8/8 delivery date from Aurora. This is confirmed by the manufacturer and wholesaler. The prescription should be obtained as soon as possible, because you can already submit a demand for this product to the ModumPharma wholesaler.

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Wasn't 8/8 supposed to be even at the beginning of February?

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Mrs. MSc, but they give this date as guaranteed, or otherwise, whether this 8/8 delivery is already guaranteed, not even important on what day of February. Aurora is rather serious about giving information. Please specify. ps. because it's about taking a prescription already in case of what for this variety :)

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Zoya: They still give the deadline of mid-February this year.

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.182.) 2 years ago

Does Modumpharma also inform about when they expect Red No. 2?

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

I raise the question, will give advice to find out how many kg will be 8/8?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

In Modumpharma I received information today that 8/8 deliveries are expected in mid-February this year.

pacjent (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

How many kg will be in delivery? 8/8 ? Knows, MSc?

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Will you contact Modumpharma? They will have more info :) Thanks in advance. Of course, about 8/8 is about.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Pacjent: This morning I confirmed the information from the manufacturer - drought is to be available at the beginning of February. The exact delivery date is not yet known.

PACJENT (Anonymous, 79.184.239.) 2 years ago

Why do hemp clinics and websites write that this drought will be available in a few days in pharmacies? After all, it is only in February that you can expect it? Or in a few days? Because the term "a few days" is what I understand as 2-3 days. In that case, can it be expected in January?

Perdian (Anonymous, 185.170.200.) 2 years ago

that is, as I wrote - it is not known, because from what I know the price of Aurora 20/ 1 fluctuated approximately 48-70zł per gram, that is, the shot is huge, the price of 22/1 was also similar, the exception is 1/12 which for some reason was significantly cheaper

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

As I was able to determine, the price will be close to the price of Cannabis Flos THC 20% CBD 1% (Aurora). The shubash will be packed in 10 g. According to the manufacturer, the first delivery is planned for February this year.

Perdian (Anonymous, 185.170.200.) 2 years ago

what are you pushing, after all, you will find out about the price only at the time of purchase because even on such sites as this there are no prices given because pharmacies do not provide so how poor Mrs. angelika has to know it, or even the manufacturer himself

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Specify, Ms. Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor - Please ask about the price ... in any way chosen by you. We are only interested in the answer, thanks

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Ms. MSc and you will send an e-mail asking about the price, although directly or cheaper than 22 and 20.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

At the moment we do not have information about the price of dried 8/8 yet.

Xzxc (Anonymous, 213.216.75.) 2 years ago

Do we know anything about the price of this raw material?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

According to the manufacturer of the raw material Cannabis Flos THC 8% CBD 8% (Aurora) has obtained a marketing authorization. First delivery in February this year. Availability will be available here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/100241/cannabis-flos-thc-8-cbd-8-aurora-marihuana-lecznicza-medyczna/apteki/w-polsce

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Ms. Magister we can in the CITO mode to send an inquiry. Please write in some red color to quickly write back.

PACJENT (Anonymous, 79.184.239.) 2 years ago

Also please send a new inquiry. These are some jokes that so much time has passed and the brains themselves are only available. After all, they harm more than they help the patient... Maybe they soothe the pain, but it is impossible to function normally after them. And in the long term they destroy man, kill concentration and ambition, cause huge memory lapses. He sympathizes with patients who have never consumed marijuana, and had to start with such an aurora of 20%... It must have been a terrible experience. I had to deal with MJ even from this "worst shelf" and I did not have such rides as on those that are now available as medical. A horrible action, if I did not know that it was medical, I would say that something is sprinkled there ... Where are the milder varieties? :(

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Prosimy o wysłanie maila do producenta w sprawie 8/8

xzxz (Anonymous, 213.216.75.) 2 years ago

jakieś nowe informacje?

Perdian (Anonymous, 185.170.200.) 2 years ago

Miejmy nadzieję, aczkolwiek nasz kraj jest wyjątkowy xD Poza tym u nas są bardziej restrykcyjne przepisy co do MM, mianowicie margines dopuszczalnego błędu stężenia THC i CBD to 10% i jak taka Aurora 20/1 będzie miała np. 18% to jeszcze git, ale jak 17,9% to już cała partia odpada. W Niemczech z tego co wiem jest to 20%, czyli dwa razy więcej. Przynajmniej tak słyszałem od ludzi którzy mocno w tym siedzą.

pacjent (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

8/8 jest mega popularna w europie i na swiecie, wiec w Polsce na bank bedzie

Perdian (Anonymous, 185.170.200.) 2 years ago

Ciężko oczekiwać, że w ciągu kilku dni sytuacja ulegnie zmianie. W końcu ten produkt jest zarejestrowany odkąd Aurora weszła do Polski z 22/1 i 20/1, czyli jakieś 2 lata? 8/8 nigdy do nas nie trafiła, 1/12 była tylko przez jakiś czas i również ślad po niej zaginął, chociaż na stronie macie napisane, że w tym miesiącu miały być prowadzone testy kontroli jakości, czyli wychodzi na to, że odmiana ich nie przeszła, bo grudzień już się kończy, a producent dalej nie daje żadnej informacji.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Niestety na ten moment nie mam żadnych nowych informacji.

***** *** (Anonymous, 77.65.4.) 2 years ago

Jakieś nowe wieści odnośnie dostępności?

pacjent (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Pani magister, Pani zerknie na maila, czy coś Pan Prezes Pani odpisał, może zrobi nam prezent pod choinkę ...

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