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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Stanisław (Anonymous, 178.43.21.) Warszawa 13 days ago

I am 76 years old, have type 2 diabetes and cardiac diseases - can I get Forxiga with reimbursement?
9.99 zł

I'm 76 years old, I've been suffering from type 2 diabetes for several decades, I've had two heart attacks and stends, am I entitled to Forxiga as a free drug?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

10 days ago

Below is the answer taking into account the reimbursement indications of Forxiga with a note indicating the need to consult your doctor in this matter. Reimbursement (or lack thereof) may depend on the method of diabetes treatment. Unfortunately, we do not have all the data related to your treatment to give a precise answer.

Stanisław (Anonymous, 37.30.54.) 10 days ago

I didn't get any response to my query?! why?

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

13 days ago

Forxiga 10 mg is reimbursable in the following cases:

- Type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients treated with at least two hypoglycemic drugs, and a very high cardiovascular risk understood as:

1) confirmed cardiovascular disease, or

2) damage to other organs manifested by: proteinuria or left ventricular hypertrophy or retinopathy, or

3)the presence of 3 or more of the main risk factors listed below: – age ≥55 years for men, ≥60 years for women, – dyslipidemia, – hypertension, – smoking, – obesity

- Chronic heart failure in adult patients despite the use of cardiac drugs (from specific therapeutic groups)

- Chronic renal failure with albuminuria or proteinuria.

Details of the possibility of prescribing the medicine at a discount should be discussed with the treating physician (cardiologist or diabetologist).

On our website you can check the availability of the drug and place an order at the pharmacy:


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