Welcome to licensed pharmacies in Poland:

Non-prescription medicines delivery across Europe.

Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Wanda (Anonymous, 78.30.96.) Warszawa 1 day ago

Whether Furosemid Are Polpharma and Medrag the same?

Czy furosemid medrag 40mg i furosemid polpharma 40mg to to samo?

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Pytanie (Anonymous, 46.134.68.) 1 day ago

I take gynalgin a rowatinex and urosept vaginally due to kidney stones. Earlier, I also had a one-time furagin. I'll take orlifique. Is contraception preserved? Taking these medications

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

Yes. Drugs are substitutes for each other, which means that they have the same active ingredient in the same dose, they are different from the manufacturing company. The effect of both products is identical.

I encourage you to read:


The availability of Furosemide in pharmacies in Polish can be checked here:


You can make an appointment for a teleconsultation here:


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