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Tomasz  (Anonymous, 46.134.116.) Warszawa 18 months ago

Is it possible to combine Ketrel with the drugs Trazodone and Nasen?

Hi I have a question whether ketral can be combined with trazodone or nasen?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

To @Agnieszka: Do you mean the dietary supplement "Na Sen" from Sema Lab? It is unlikely that this preparation will contribute to your condition. In this situation, you should immediately seek medical help.

Agnieszka  (Anonymous, 5.173.136.) 16 months ago

I took at 24.00 1/2 tablets of the drug For sleep .. and approx. 23.00 (as usual) 50 mg-Ketrel, 50 mg Trittico and 1/2 1 mg - Lorafen.. In the morning again 25 mg of Ketrel and 1/2 mg of Lorafen.. I've had psychosis since morning... obsessive thought and fears,in the body "jams". I am alone and there is no one to help me today. Could the "sleep" drug be the cause of the condition in which it is?.. Mrs. Mgr. please help in answering. Best regards ☀️

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

Such combinations can be used only after consulting a doctor. If the specialist deems them necessary, you should strictly follow the dosage regimen established with the doctor. Improper combination of these drugs increases the risk of central nervous system suppression, which poses a threat to life and health. There may be impaired motor coordination, fainting, palpitations in the chest. In extreme cases, it can lead to cardiac arrest. Therefore, before applying such a combination, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If you do not have the opportunity to consult your doctor, you can use the teleadvice here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja

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