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..... (Anonymous, 178.43.126.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Can Zoely tablets not work if there is bleeding in the middle of the cycle?

If I have been using Activia daily contraceptive pills for 6 months and now I have changed to Zoely pills (now I take the first pack) and I am on the 14th day of active pills and I got bleeding, is this normal? I take the pills with me to school and they are exposed to temperature changes and could it reduce their effectiveness so I bleed and the pills do not work? I take them every day from 11:50/12:10 and I took Aktywia once at 19 Regards

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@@@@ (Anonymous, 178.43.126.) 18 months ago

The bleeding is already for 5 days and is red and I am afraid that some tablet may have been poorly absorbed. Could this also be the reason for bleeding? I do not know if the change of hours could also contribute to this or that I drank coffee with 2 times so 10 minutes before taking the tablet

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

Because these drugs differ in composition, the replacement can lead to bleeding and mid-cyclic spots - such bleeding may occur during the first 3-4 cycles of Zoely use and this is completely normal. If you take the pills regularly, protection is provided despite the observed bleeding. The situation should stabilize in subsequent cycles. According to the manufacturer of Zoely - the drug does not require special storage conditions, so the change in temperature you mentioned does not affect their effectiveness. The drug works properly. If the situation will be repeated after 3-4 months of using tablets - then it is worth consulting a gynecologist. Here you can check the availability of Zoely tablets and book the medicine at the pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/86254/zoely-tabletki-powlekane/apteki If anything still bothers you, here you can use the teleadvice with your gynecologist: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem

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