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Paulos (Anonymous, 195.136.18.) Warszawa 18 months ago

Should Microgynon start taking uterine fibroids from 15 tablets or from the beginning of the blister?
19.99 zł

I'm on day 15 of my cycle and I'm still bleeding (uterine fibroids). The doctor prescribed me microgynon 3 times 1 tablet for 7 days. Whether to start taking them from the beginning of the blister or from the 15th tablet.

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

Each blister pack of Microgynon 21 contains 21 identical tablets, so it doesn't matter which one you start. However, for order and better control of taking the drug - please start with the first tablet in the blister. In this way - taking 1 tablet 3 times a day for 7 days - you will use the entire package at the prescribed time of therapy. As I have already mentioned - all Microgynon 21 tablets have the same composition: 30 micrograms ethinylestradiol and 150 micrograms levonorgestrel. On the packaging, each tablet is marked with the day of the week on which it should be taken - this information, however, is for patients who use the preparation in a standard way, i.e. one tablet a day to prevent pregnancy. I enclose additional information about Microgynon - prescription preparations can be reserved at GdziePoLek and collected stationary upon presentation of the prescription. Microgynon 21 is currently quite difficult to access: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/48863/microgynon-21-tabletki-powlekane/apteki/w-warszawie If you have additional questions about the use of this medicine, please ask your question in this thread.

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