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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Teresa  (Anonymous, 93.39.139.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Do I have to stop taking Plavix 75 before pulling my teeth?

Good morning,I take plavic75,for atherosclerosis and now I have to remove my teeth, I have to stop taking,can I remove safely,?

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Barbara Kołodziejska Pharmacist

18 months ago

Before surgery (including tooth extraction), it is advisable to stop using blood thinners / antiplatelet agents 7 days earlier. Please note that you should always inform your doctor about your treatment during your visit. If the dentist has not been informed about the use of Plavix, I recommend contacting as soon as possible (even by phone) and then strictly follow his guidelines. I enclose a link to the leaflets of the drug: https://gdziepolek.blob.core.windows.net/product-documents/doc135793/plavix-ulotka.pdf

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