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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Monika (Anonymous, 185.139.41.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Can I take two capsules of Iladian probiotic during the day?

Even though the packaging says that iladian oral probiotic is taken once a day, can I take it twice? The first I took 25 minutes before the antibiotic Monural in the morning and now the whole afternoon overflows in the abdomen on the right side and I do not know, maybe too short interval was.

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Barbara Kołodziejska Pharmacist

19 months ago

Yes, you can use a probiotic twice a day, it will not cause any negative effects in the body. The use of probiotics should be continued for the next days (two weeks or longer) after the end of antibiotic therapy. We write about the use of probiotics in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/probiotyki-czy-warto-stosowac-leki-oslonowe

Monika (Anonymous, 185.139.41.) 19 months ago

Even though the packaging says that iladian oral probiotic is taken once a day, can I take it twice? The first I took 25 minutes before the antibiotic Monural in the morning and now the whole afternoon overflows in the abdomen on the right side and I do not know, maybe too short interval was.

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