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Anonim (Anonymous, 77.253.157.) Warszawa 19 months ago

How to take Stedril 30 tablets that have been released for Microgynon 21?

Good morning, Due to the lack of Microgynon 21 tablets, I got a replacement for Stediril 30 at the pharmacy. Can the change of one tablet to another take place after a 7-day break? I asked the pharmacist in the pharmacy and that's what she told me (so I did), but on the leaflet there is information not to do this break. Has the effectiveness of the drug been maintained, or is additional protection necessary in connection with this 7-day break?

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

19 months ago

Microgynon 21 and Stedril 30 contain the same active substances in the same dosage - 150mcg levonorgestrel and 30mcg ethinylestradiol. They are their counterparts, which means that Stedril should be used in the same way as Microgynon has been taken so far. Starting Stedril is not a situation in which there is a change to another contraceptive, but one in which a contraceptive with the same composition is taken under a different trade name. Yes, you can start taking Stedril after a 7-day break. Replacing Microgynon with Stedril does not reduce the effectiveness of contraception and no additional protection is necessary due to the 7-day break. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the materials that may be useful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czym-sa-zamienniki-lekow With the help of wherepolek you can track the availability of medicines and book them at the pharmacy of your choice. I enclose a link to MIcrogynon: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/48863/microgynon-21-tabletki-powlekane/apteki?

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