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Adrianna (Anonymous, 83.26.11.) Warszawa 16 months ago

Is a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 10 reliable 22 days after intercourse?

Is a pregnancy test with sensitivity 10, 22 days after intercourse reliable? Is it possible that 22 days after intercourse the concentration is less than 10 and the test could not detect it?

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12345 (Anonymous, 193.56.104.) 16 months ago

Thank you very much for your reply :)

Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

16 months ago

Tests with a sensitivity of 10 mlU/ml, so-called ultrasensitive, already detect a two-three-day pregnancy (e.g. Pink Test super sensitive). https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/91349/domowe-laboratorium-pink-test-ciazowy-plytkowy-super-czuly-test/apteki?pvid=215837#internetowe However, it should be borne in mind that fertilization can occur even after 3-5 days after intercourse, so the test should be performed no earlier than 6-10 days after intercourse. In your case, 22 days is sufficient time to perform the test. If the test was done too early after conception, the level of hCG in the urine may still be too low for the test to show pregnancy. As a rule, however, a negative pregnancy test means that you are not pregnant. No test gives a 100% guarantee either way. If menstruation did not appear within 2-3 days after the expected date, repeat the test, using a new package. If you get a negative result again, and menstruation has not appeared for a long time - you should go to the doctor to determine the cause of this condition.

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