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Genia (Anonymous, 37.8.231.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Is it possible to take vitamin C and drink cranberry juices while using the antibiotic Pylera? Which fruits must not be combined with this antibiotic?

Is it possible to take vitamin C and drink cranberry juices while using the antibiotic Pylera. Which fruits must not be combined with this antibiotic

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

19 months ago

Yes, you can. There are no contraindications to the simultaneous use of the drug Pylera and preparations with vitamin C, or with cranberry juice. The diet for treatment with the antibiotic Pylera should be rich in fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. In addition, the diet should be rich in protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C and E as well as selenium and zinc help strengthen the body's immunity and also reduce the risk of complications. Do not eat or drink dairy products (e.g. milk or yogurt) or drinks with added calcium during treatment, as this may affect the way this medicine works. Also, do not drink alcohol while taking Pylera as this may result in side effects. Before starting treatment with Pylera, it is worth consulting a doctor or nutritionist to determine which foods are suitable for the patient. The gdziepolek.pl service also allows you to obtain a teleconsultation with the appropriate specialist: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-dietetykiem

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