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Smutna (Anonymous, 37.8.230.) Warszawa 18 months ago

Is Perazine used to treat depression?

I have been prescribed Pershin for the night, and I am depressed. I read that this drug can not be used in depressive states. In addition, it blocks dopamine, the hormone of happiness. Is it true that this drug can not be used for depression?

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Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

18 months ago

Perazine (Perazine) is not a "typical" drug used to treat depression. Perazin is designed to calm and calm down. It is more common to use it in the treatment of schizophrenia than in depression. However, the doctor may recommend the drug outside the so-called "off label" indication. https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/leczenie-off-label-poza-wskazaniami Unfortunately, I do not know what your depression manifests itself. Because it is not a simple disease entity to cure (depression, depression is not equal), it is difficult to say what the doctor meant by ordering this drug. I do not know your state of health, I do not have any information to advise more. Was this drug Perazin supposed to make it easier for you to fall asleep? Did you get it from a psychiatrist? If you think that the prescribed drug is poorly chosen, it works badly – it is best to consult another specialist. If it is not possible to visit a stationary visit, I encourage you to use the teleadvice offered, m.in. by the portal Gdziepolek.pl: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja

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