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Justyna  (Anonymous, 5.172.239.) Warszawa 18 months ago

What to use for reflux if Alugastrin in sachets does not work and worsens symptoms?

Hello, After applying one sachet of Alugastrin at night as recommended by the gastroenterologist there was an exacerbation of pharyngeal laryngeal reflux, Reflux manifested mainly by sore throat in the morning, and after the drug there was pain, burning in the chest, which lasts during the day for 6 days, If this supplement harmed what to use? IPP without effect

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Łukasz  (Anonymous, 83.145.177.) 18 months ago

Good morning, I have gastritis after allugastrina 3 forte in tablets, the stomach pain doubled and I was constantly coughing with some secretion, after discontinuation all the ailments disappeared. In the leaflet of the drug did not find side effects, I would advise you to repeat these tests

Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

Alugastrin in sachets contains m.in. Mucosave, i.e. extract from Prickly pear and European Olive and sodium alginate, which protect and coat the esophageal mucosa. Perhaps, in your case, these premiums are poorly tolerated, so the use of the preparation does not bring effect and intensifies the symptoms. There are various preparations available on the market in the form of a liquid that coat and protect the esophageal mucosa, as well as relieve the symptoms of heartburn and reflux, e.g. Esoxx One or Gastrotuss. They have a different composition than Alugastrin and may prove effective in the treatment of heartburn, reflux in your case. Esoxx one is a preparation containing m.in hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate. These substances shield the mucous membrane of the esophagus and quickly relieve the symptoms associated with reflux. The main substances of Gastrotuss are magnesium alginate, simethicone, honey, D-panthenol, liquid extracts of marshmallow and field poppy. This preparation also has a protective effect. Taking into account the different compositions of preparations, I would suggest trying one of these. I enclose links to Esoxx and Gastrouss preparations, with which you can check the availability of products, reserve them at the selected pharmacy or order them home: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/27635/esoxx-one-proszek-do-wytworzenia-plynu/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/32033/gastrotuss-syrop/apteki I also encourage you to familiarize yourself with the attached preparations, they may be helpful in dealing with the symptoms of reflux: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/zgaga

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