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H.Buczek  (Anonymous, 94.254.161.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Can I use collagen and folic acid while taking Metex?

Good morning, can you also take type II collagen by taking metax in a 50 ml injection once a week? Why can not I take folic acid because I was prescribed Acidum Folicum because? Thank you

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Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

19 months ago

You can use type II collagen by taking Metex injection. Folic acid can be used during treatment with Methotrexate (Metex), but it should be done strictly according to your doctor's instructions. Folic acid helps to reduce the side effects of methotrexate therapy, but at the same time it can reduce its effectiveness if it is administered incorrectly. How to use folic acid and methotrexate correctly? Most often, it is recommended to administer 5-10 mg of folic acid per week (please check exactly how much you have to take), preferably the day after the dose of Metex. For example: If you take the Methex injection on Monday, take folic acid on Tuesday. If something is incomprehensible to you, please ask.

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