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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Skalek (Anonymous, 91.231.205.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Is it normal for Gardimax to pinch my throat very hard after using Gardimax?

After applying gardimax very strongly in the throat pinches the throat is irritated from kasxlu whether it must be so

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Pacjent (Anonymous, 188.146.106.) 38 days ago

It hurts unbearably when I apply it, it's not pinching. Should it be there? Does this mean that the drug is accusing?

Pacjent (Anonymous, 188.146.106.) 38 days ago

My throat just burns out when using Gardimax Should it be like that? How to use alcohol on wounds?

Anna (Anonymous, 188.146.248.) 5 months ago

I also have a sore throat after using Gardimax. I'll never use it again

Basai (Anonymous, 5.184.251.) 15 months ago

Same for me. Unbearable pain after a snap

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

19 months ago

In rare cases, when using Gardimax, allergic reactions, burning of the mucous membrane may occur. If the product causes you a deterioration of your throat, coating preparations may be more appropriate at this time, e.g. with Icelandic lichen. Gardimax has an anesthetic/analgesic and disinfecting effect. In the case of a sore throat, it is worth taking care of proper hydration of the body. We wrote more about preparations for sore throat here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/bol-gardla

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