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Acerra  (Anonymous, 46.204.108.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Is it possible to change Venlafaxine to Fluoxetine overnight?

Switching from Venlafaxine to Fluoxetine. Do you need to take a break or can you change overnight?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

Unfortunately, in such a situation, you have to wait until the side effects disappear (this usually happens spontaneously). It is worth informing the attending physician about their occurrence - perhaps he will decide to modify the treatment.

Werka (Anonymous, 212.180.145.) 14 months ago

I just changed venlafaxine 32.5 mg to fluoxetine 10 mg overnight. I take it the second day and I feel terrible,I am so dizzy that I am not even able to go to the store. What should I do to help myself?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

19 months ago

This rule applies to changes in both directions, i.e. SNRIs for SSRIs can also be changed overnight.

Acerra  (Anonymous, 46.204.64.) 19 months ago

This question is about the opposite situation. A colleague wrote about changing the drug fluoxetine to Venlafaxine. And I ask whether in the opposite direction Venlafaxine to Fluoxetine can be overnight or in some other way. That is, replacing SNRI with SSRIs. Thank you in advance and best regards

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