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Błażej  (Anonymous, 188.33.232.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Why doesn't Amisan work?

Good morning, some time ago I took Amisan 150mg, in April 2022roku it stopped working, I came off it for 2 months I am not on it. Sometimes I take it temporarily, but I do not feel its effects at all, as if the body got used to it. I do not know what is the reason for this, I took it in general about 6 years, and now it does not work. It was a drug that helped me a lot. I don't know what to do? Any suggestions?! Regards Błażej

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Błażej (Anonymous, 89.64.6.) 19 months ago

Good morning thank you for your reply. As for your question, "Has the current inaction been communicated to the doctor?" So I informed the doctor, in March last year, that I do not feel the effect of the drug, my mood plummeted sharply, for which situations at work. Increasing the dose did not help. "Did the doctor recommend rescue use?" We came to the conclusion that we would increase from 150 to 700. But taking the drug in an increased dose, did not give any improvement. I decided from a conversation with the doctor that if it does not work, I will get off it completely. ". The patient's condition does not improve after taking a single or several tablets, and the resolution of acute symptoms of the disease or the relapse prevention effect is the result of several days or weeks of gradual development of the effect of the drug." Yes I know, I took the drug about 6 years on one fixed dose of 150. The drug is so good for me that immediately, the mood changed by 180 degrees, a plus. Most of the drugs I took didn't help me like he did, and there were a lot of them. Thank you very much for your reply Regards B.

Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

19 months ago

How we use Amisan depends on the individual reaction of the patient to the drug, it may turn out that after some time the body stops responding to it. Maintenance treatment is usually provided with the lowest effective dose. Perhaps the dose you are using is too low. Talk to your doctor about this and determine the individual dose for you. Has the current inaction been communicated to the doctor? Has the doctor recommended rescue use? As far as I know, usually the drug Amisan is used every day, for a long time. The patient's condition does not improve after taking a single or several tablets, and the disappearance of acute symptoms of the disease or the effect preventing relapse is the result of several days or several weeks, gradual development of the drug's effect. I send a link to the availability of the drug in pharmacies cooperating with GdziePoLek: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/4684/amisan-tabletki/apteki

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