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Pan O (Anonymous, 195.93.162.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can abdominal pain have a serious cause or is it just an excess of sugar?

Hello, I'm writing here because I have a problem recently with abdominal pain. Get straight to the point. Last week it started with a stomach ache and it drags on a little bit, sometimes it sometimes normally, and today it hit me like that, I can't stand it. Lately I've been a little overfucked with snacks / sweets so it's probably because of it. It hurts me most often after a larger meal. And here my question is whether it can immediately be the cause of a serious illness or rather a simple excess of sugar?!

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

19 months ago

Very severe abdominal pain (you wrote that you "can not stand") is not in my opinion typical for ordinary overeating or indigestion. Abdominal pain that persists, repeats and is very severe should prompt you to contact your doctor. However, this does not necessarily mean a very serious illness right away, but it is best to check it. If you think that unhealthy eating can be the cause of ailments, then you should stop eating sweets and snacks. I enclose additional information that may be of interest to you: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/niestrawnosc https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/najlepsze-sposoby-na-swiateczne-przejedzenie

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