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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Oliwia (Anonymous, 178.43.160.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Does borscht drunk immediately after taking Cerazette weaken its effectiveness?

If at 13:57 I took a tablet of cerazette (I take at 14) And already at 14 I ate warm red borscht, can the effectiveness be weakened? If I take the second tablet for up to 3 hours, will the effectiveness be maintained?

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Oliwia (Anonymous, 178.43.33.) 18 months ago

Is 45 minutes enough for everything to remain effective?

Oliwia (Anonymous, 178.43.160.) 19 months ago

Okay, but just for your own peace of mind, if I take 2 it will be effective? Thank you for your reply

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

19 months ago

You do not need to take another dose. If the borscht was simply warm, and it was not boiling water, then there is no reason to worry - borscht itself does not reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraception. For the future, however, even for your own peace of mind, please try to keep a longer break between taking the drug and drinking/eating dinner dishes. We would like to inform you about the possibility of checking the availability of the drug in pharmacies in Polish. Via the link you can make a reservation at the pharmacy of your choice: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/16697/cerazette-tabletki-powlekane/apteki

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