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Bliska (Anonymous, 89.68.233.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can Femoston be used with Letrox, Prestilol and when you have stones on the gallbladder?

Hi I'm 45 years old gynecologist prescribed me femoston 2mg, 2mg + 10mg because I had menstrual disorders and recently I have a 20 days delay from the last menstruation, blood tests were performed and based on the results of the doctor prescribed the drug and the question is whether I can use it suffering from hashimoto I take letrox, prestilol for pressure and I have stones on the gallbladder. Thank you in advance for your reply

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Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

1 year ago

The diseases you mentioned, i.e. Hashimoto's, hypertension, stones on the gallbladder are not strictly contraindicated to the use of Femoston. Please use this medicine as directed and if you experience any worrying symptoms, talk to your doctor. Before using Femoston you should discuss the possibility of using Femoston for medical conditions and what medicines you are taking. Your dose of Letrox may need to be adjusted as the oestrogens in Femoston reduce absorption and your hypothyroidism symptoms may get worse. Hypertension is also a condition that requires special control while taking Femoston. More information about Femoston: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/29458/femoston-tabletki-powlekane/apteki With the help of our portal you can order/book over-the-counter preparations and pick them up at the pharmacy or choose home delivery. In the case of prescription medicines, we have the option of booking at the pharmacy of your choice and picking up upon presentation of a valid prescription.

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