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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Bardzo zawiedziony tym produktem  (Anonymous, 46.205.132.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Why does Rapidentin not have an analgesic effect?

For what do you write that it has an analgesic effect? I thought I knew what a toothache. I was wrong! After applying this thing, I just know what a real toothache is. A massacre of some kind. Also blows my head and ear. Before using pain pills, they now worked quite nothing.

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Megi (Anonymous, 91.94.17.) 51 days ago

Rapidentil is the same as clove oil or even crushed cloves, why spend so much money when you can have the same thing much cheaper? With clove oil, it's best to use it over the sink so that the drooling comes out, don't swallow it under any circumstances. It's true that at the beginning it hurts massively, but then the relief it gives is heaven. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the application option. Besides... It will not help if there is no hole or crumbling of the enamel!!!! This is worth remembering!!!

Rapidentin  (Anonymous, 87.248.80.) 2 months ago

Shit like no other. In addition to the fact that it does not help, it irritates the tongue and mouth, and it also stinks of old people.

Wiki  (Anonymous, 188.146.115.) 2 months ago

Rapidentin helped me, but it comes at a price. The first 10-15 minutes after application, it is horrible, the pain increases several times and is really hard to bear, but then it calms down and there are a few hours of peace, the first time I couldn't stand it and drank water during this strong pain, the remedy had to wash off there was no improvement.

Emilia (Anonymous, 164.127.229.) 11 months ago

Unfortunately, rapidentin didn't help me either, on the contrary, after using it, according to the guidelines from the leaflet, my tooth hurt even more. I recommend sage rinses, or salt water, they helped better than Rapidentin....

Madzia (Anonymous, 164.127.203.) 14 months ago

I bought this product to survive somehow to the dentist after lubricating this tooth I want to howl it does not work analgesic 🙄

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

1 year ago

The manufacturer in the summary of product characteristics stated in the indication that Rapidentin is: "a traditional herbal medicinal product for the temporary relief of toothache". However, it cannot be considered that it has an analgesic effect, like other substances, e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketoprofen. Our description is based on the manufacturer's information. Thank you for your attention, currently the description contains only information resulting from the summary of product characteristics.

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
