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Mata420 (Anonymous, 5.173.56.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Will Aurora 22/1 medical marijuana still be available in Poland?

Will Aurora 22/1 be available in Poland?

11 answers, 1 subscriber

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Mata420 (Anonymous, 193.25.7.) 1 year ago

Information about delays reaching March will be published on the days.

Ulaaa (Anonymous, 178.36.9.) 1 year ago

Is there any new information about 22? Will it actually appear in the 2nd week of February?

Mata420 (Anonymous, 89.64.57.) 1 year ago

For your information, delays for 22/1 date back to March at this point - such information I got in the pharmacy

Zielarz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 1 year ago

@Ktoś - a free man should be able to cultivate "trees" at home, and not live in a system that destroys people who want to experience other relaxation (grass, mushrooms, etc.) ;) The matter is simple - legalization of marijuana, or at least allowing patients to grow their own "Christmas trees" (everyone knows some degree about gardening and probably many of the patients have previously grown their "trees") ;)

Mata420 (Anonymous, 193.25.7.) 1 year ago

The worst thing is that there are already delays...

Ktoś  (Anonymous, 178.36.9.) 1 year ago

It's sad what's happening now. A few months ago there was no problem with availability in pharmacies. Right now? Soon there will be kilometer long queues the day before the announced delivery... and not everyone will get the drug anyway. The government doesn't care. Getting a prescription is child's play and the worst thing is that people using recreationally will switch to pharmacies, because in the event of control by the police they have a document. This is sick, and the situation will only improve when people finally take to the streets and start talking about it. But this is Poland and there will be no such miracles nowadays.

Zielarz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 1 year ago

The patient should have the right to decide whether he wants expensive dried fruit from the pharmacy or grow his own "Christmas tree" at home (this is not difficult, especially with auto varieties, and the cost is definitely lower than pharmacy dried fruit, and as for the quality - it is yours though)!!! One more issue - why these THC oils are so cosmically expensive, after all, they make them from waste or what will not pass the tests - oil 5% THC 10ml - price around 800pln :o for only 500mg of THC - at home with 10g Aurora 22 you can get about 1500mg of THC (I count THC drops after decrboxylation, etc. - the house is not a laboratory however), where aurora costs about 600pln ;)

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Yesterday, the manufacturer confirmed to us the delivery date of dried Cannabis Flos THC 22% CBD 1% (Aurora). In the second week of February this year, we expect an improvement in the availability of dried herbs in pharmacies. Here you will be able to track availability: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/100242/cannabis-flos-thc-22-cbd-1-aurora-marihuana-lecznicza-medyczna/apteki Here you will find current information and you can subscribe to the e-mail notification about the product: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/100242/cannabis-flos-thc-22-cbd-1-aurora-marihuana-lecznicza-medyczna/apteki?pvid=249328#news

Zielarz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 1 year ago

Free marijuana :) - everyone will plant a bush, and not sprinkle big money on bigpharma (including dishonest, usurious pharmacies) and 8% VAT on the "government" ;/

mgr. (Anonymous, 37.225.88.) 1 year ago

Why the delays in the delivery of Aurora 22/1 again? Let me remind you that we have already heard translations with covid, war and problems in transport. Best regards.

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