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Dorosz Małgorzata  (Anonymous, 46.204.68.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Is Fluomizin an antifungal drug?

Good morning I got fluzolin and gynkoflor drugs, I have . The question is whether the drug fluzolin is specifically for vaginal mycosis or for other infections. I have no symptoms of ringworm type of itching or burning or any white vaginal discharge please advice

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Anna Pochopień Pharmacist

19 months ago

No, Fluomizin is not an antifungal drug, but an antibacterial drug — it contains decvaline chloride. I would like to add that some intimate infections may be asymptomatic or poorly symptomatic, but the doctor may decide to implement treatment. If you have doubts about the prescribed therapy, I encourage you to consult your doctor again. The possibility of arranging medical advice online is also provided by the GdziePoLek portal: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem I encourage you to read the articles thematically related to your question: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/infekcje-intymne https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/higiena-intymna

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