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Sławomir Wesołowski  (Anonymous, 37.248.171.) Słupca 1 year ago

When will DHC Continus return to pharmacies?

My hand falls out that the joint is a terrible pain that cannot be repaired, in my case it needs dhc

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Bart (Anonymous, 77.92.39.) 1 year ago

@chroniczna_apatia - even my doctor from the Pain Clinic says that DHC will not come back - probably there were not many takers for this drug. If it comes back soon enough, I will try to get off the oxy and come back to DHC + Methadone + Pregabalin. But I'm not optimistic, it takes too long, and the manufacturer has been deceiving us for many months by giving messages that "in a month it will be"


1 year ago

@Bart: Admittedly, it sounds more detailed than anything else has been vaguely engaged by the manufacturer before. For the alleged withdrawal of the drug, I repeatedly asked the pharmacist for verification in the system and no, there is no such information, although rumors circulated. Interestingly, the last article on the Health Market website (with DHC in the lead role, dated 25.01), which sucked information from the local shrine, was also published the current anti-export / threat of lack list from 16.01, where DHC 60mg is still listed, but optimistically DHC 90mg is not. Just in case, the prescription for 90 is already ready. It remains to fear a wild jump in demand in the first days (if they finally come:/) @Waldek As for the credibility of the ministry, I recommend reading ministerial statements in industry periodicals - for example, as it was announced at the beginning of December "Minister Niedzielski: stocks of drugs with morphine are being restored" (https://pulsmedycyny.pl/minister-niedzielski-zapasy-lekow-z-morfina-sa-odtwarzane-1171701) What exactly are they reproduced? Maybe he knew, he didn't say, and it turned out as usual. I greet you and wish health to all of us.

Bart (Anonymous, 77.92.39.) 1 year ago

Good morning, so once again the manufacturer postpones the deadline by another month (and so for over 6 months)....

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Today we received information from the manufacturer that DHC Continus in a dose of 90 mg is to be delivered to pharmacies in the first half of February this year, 60 mg in the second half of February this year. Here you can find current information about the availability of the drug and subscribe to e-mail notifications: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/23234/dhc-continus-tabletki-o-zmodyfikowanym-uwalnianiu/apteki?pvid=114978#news

Waldek (Anonymous, 5.173.141.) 1 year ago

It is the manufacturer of the drug that is lying, not the ministry. They do not know whether it will be or not, but they talk that it will be so that people do not find a better replacement, because they will lose customers as if dhc returned.

Waldek (Anonymous, 5.173.141.) 1 year ago

Bunondol is weak, if you already take it from the Transtec doctor, the same but in patches. It is not as strong as dhc, but it is the only right replacement. After tramadol I have the same + depression at withdrawal, after other opio I did not have it, because this tramadol attacks serotonin in the brain.

tetryk (Anonymous, 85.221.137.) 1 year ago

@Bart I have nausea and anxiety after Tramadol, the doctor wanted to transfer me to Oxycodone 5mg but I do not see the point of going higher in the analgesic ladder if there is no need. That's why I keep my fingers crossed for the return of DHC because recently I'm doomed to either pain or malaise after Tramadol ...

Bart (Anonymous, 77.92.39.) 1 year ago

So, as usual, the Ministry of Health is lying - because it is from them that the information about the withdrawal of DHC and the recommendation to switch to tramadol .... The doctor tries to change my medication from DHC+Methadone+Pregabalin to Bunondole, but my body cannot tolerate it. DHC was the only drug that resonated with my disease. May this be true and DHC will return to the market for good, so that there is no six-month shortage of the drug again.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @tetryk: I have the information I provide on the portal directly from the manufacturer. This is the most reliable source of information.

tetryk (Anonymous, 85.221.137.) 1 year ago

Mrs. @Angelika, please inform me if the drug will actually be available again? I met with reviews in the network that the drug will be withdrawn and patients are advised to switch to Tramadol. Kisses

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Last week, we confirmed the information with the manufacturer that the drug is to go to Polish at the end of this month. In about 1-2 weeks we should know the exact date of delivery of the drug to pharmaceutical wholesalers. You will be able to check availability here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/23234/dhc-continus-tabletki-o-zmodyfikowanym-uwalnianiu/apteki Please consult your doctor, perhaps the specialist will recommend a different course of treatment until DHC Continus returns to the market. If you do not have the opportunity to consult your doctor, you can use the paid teleadvice here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja

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