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Fabian (Anonymous, 46.204.12.) Warszawa 20 months ago

Is Bobodent (Lidocaine) safe for teething with prolonged use for the baby?

I have a question about bobodent. My fiancée uses it practically every day on a baby for almost 3 months, thinking that the baby is teething. Today I read that lidocaine can be harmful, can such a long use be harmful??? Today I told my fiancée that she should absolutely not give it anymore

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Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

19 months ago

Usually, the symptoms of lidocaine overdose appear from a few minutes to 1-2 hours after using the preparation with lidocaine. Please pay attention to fatigue, faster heartbeat, difficult breathing, paleness or gray skin. If we do not notice any disturbing symptoms while observing the child, there is no reason to worry. Please stop taking the medicine and that will be enough.

Fabian (Anonymous, 188.147.4.) 19 months ago

Thank you very much for your reply. Please tell me what we have to do now, observe and maybe do some research?. I am afraid for the health of the child. For now, no side effects are visible

Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

19 months ago

Lidocaine contained in teething preparations may be harmful to the child, which is why preparations containing this ingredient are not recommended too often. Bobodent can be administered up to 6 times a day and TEMPORARILY. Daily use for 3 months can already be considered long-term and exposing to side effects. The safety of pharmacotherapy is mainly based on CORRECT dosage. After that, lidocaine used for teething anesthetizes for a maximum of several minutes, after which the problem appears again. Not to mention the fact that precise application is difficult, the drug is mixed with the child's saliva and often swallowed, that is, contact with the gums is small. The FDA has issued a warning about the use of lidocaine for teething, namely in 2014 there were 22 case reports where serious side effects were reported when lidocaine was applied to painful teething in children and infants aged 5 months to 3.5 years. Lidocaine is also found in other preparations such as Dentinox N, Bobodent or Calgel. A much safer option will be the use of chilled teethers in the refrigerator in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or gum massage with a clean finger. With our portal you can order/reserve and pick up at the pharmacy or at home. Example of a teether: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/105434/canpol-babies-gryzak-wodny-dla-niemowlat-gryzak/apteki As for other topical preparations, a gel with hyaluronic acid and aloe vera, such as Nurodent, will be a good choice. We use it 3-5 times a day (preferably after meals and before bedtime) https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/112319/nurodent-zel-na-zabkowanie-zel/apteki More about teething here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/sposoby-na-bolesne-zabkowanie

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