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Anonim (Anonymous, 46.204.105.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Does the antibiotic Azimycin 500 mg affect the effectiveness of Atywia Daily contraceptive pills?

Does the antibiotic Azimycin 500 mg affect the effectiveness of Atywia Daily contraceptive pills? What interval should be kept between the tablet and the antibiotic?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

The above will not adversely affect the contraception used. Please use them as directed by your doctor. It is difficult for an outsider to choose the right dosage without knowing your medical records.

Anonim (Anonymous, 46.204.108.) 1 year ago

I also take Erdomed 2xdaily, Thiocodin in case of acute cough, antibiotic casing, Rutinoscorbin, Theraflu 2xdaily and Sal Ems Factitium 2xdaily. Everything was recommended to me by the doctor and so I take. Do these drugs and which affect the effectiveness of Atywia Daily contraceptive pills? What spacing should I do?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

No, the antibiotic (Azimycin) mentioned will not affect the effectiveness of contraception. However, a given infection or simply fatigue can delay the period by several days. I also encourage you to read the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jakie-leki-oslabiaja-skutecznosc-antykoncepcji

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