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Aleksandra (Anonymous, 46.204.44.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can I stop taking Sertranom after a week of use? How to do it correctly?

Good morning, for a week I have been taking the drug e sertranorm, transferred to sleep problems. I started taking the drug gradually, first 1/4, dose, then 1/5 and today 1 tablet. However, since I started taking I feel bad and I would like to ask if I can gradually stop taking the drug so that there are no side effects of withdrawal?

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Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

1 year ago

Negative effects occur very often with the group of drugs to which Sertranorm (sertraline) belongs. Usually, such side effects are revealed at the very beginning of treatment (up to about the first month). Unfortunately, for the "positive" - therapeutic effect (improvement of well-being) you have to wait a little longer. Approximately after 2 weeks an improvement should be observed, and the full effect after 6 weeks - of course, we are talking about the use of the full dose of the drug - that is, 1 whole tablet. In my opinion, you should gradually increase the dose, namely for the first week use half a tablet and only then increase - to 1 whole tablet. Perhaps you did it too quickly and you experienced these side effects. I would not be inclined to stop taking the drug myself. It is worth reporting to the doctor that you feel unwell - then he will recommend another drug with a different composition, which will cause you these negative feelings to a lesser extent. There are many variants of treatment for depression. However, if you have decided to stop taking the drug, you should do it the same way you started - gradually as the frequency of administration (every 2, then every 3 days) and dose (whole tablet, half) decreased. In the first week of use, withdrawal symptoms would be negligible, if at all. More about the treatment of depression here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/depresja

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