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Edyta (Anonymous, 37.30.104.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Has Mirtor caused the child's disorder?

Hello. A month before I got pregnant, I started taking myrtle 15 mg, it turned out that I was pregnant immediately, I stopped it immediately, in total I took it for 4-5 weeks. The child is being diagnosed with autism and mental retardation. Did the drug have an effect on the child's disorder? I would like to add that the symptoms appeared around the age of 2, the child developed properly, suddenly stopped in development. Are there any studies, what are the side effects of taking the drug in pregnancy and their effects on the fetus. Thank you for your reply

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Limited data on the use of mirtazapine (the active ingredient in Myrtor) in pregnant women do not show an increased risk of birth defects. There is also no good evidence that taking mirtazapine in early pregnancy affects the development of the baby. One systematic review (this is a large analysis) states that a total of 390 cases of exposure of newborns to mirtazapine during pregnancy or lactation were described in 31 studies. No increased risk of major malformations in newborns associated with mirtazapine during pregnancy has been reported. Nevertheless, caution is advised when prescribing mirtazapine to pregnant women. It is not possible to definitively judge whether Mirtor had an effect on the child's disorders. However, any occurrence or suspicion of an adverse reaction should be reported to increase knowledge about the safety of medicines: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane

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