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Joulen (Anonymous, 31.0.42.) Warszawa 1 year ago

How to stop taking Baclofen in a husband with quadriplegia?

I want to discontinue Backofen 25 mg 2x a day in the morning and evening in my husband who has quadriplegia, very little spasticity. What dose to start I will point out that the husband began to have problems, slower thoughts, confuses names, etc. I want to get out of this drug completely because I want to get my husband back, cheerful, smiling, and not look at him as a stranger. Please help

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

1 year ago

I encourage you to consult this with the treating physician, because there is no way to answer such a question without knowing the patient's medical history, other medicines he uses and the state of health. It is especially worth looking at other drugs used. Baclofen can unfortunately cause the side effects you describe, but it can also exacerbate other medications and it is worth looking at the problem as a whole. Side effects occur most often with rapid dose escalation or use of high doses of baclofen, as well as in elderly patients. They are most often transient and disappear with dose reduction. Therefore, I encourage you to consult a doctor, because perhaps this is the beginning of treatment or it may be enough to reduce the dose, which will help to cope with the symptoms, but also will not cause this type of side effects. The medicinal product should always (if there are no serious adverse reactions) be discontinued slowly, gradually reducing the dose over approximately 1-2 weeks. However, I encourage you to consult a doctor, because sudden withdrawal can provoke, m.in hallucinations and intensify spastic states.

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