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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Agata (Anonymous, 62.122.117.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Is it possible that after 3 weeks of feeling unwell, Paroxinor will suddenly work better?

For three weeks I take Paroxinor 20.Mirtagen 15na sleeping 3months. Parixinor I take at 7 am after 2 hours I feel like I have fainted, full head, jumping pressure and so all day. The doctor tells you to keep taking. Is it possible that for 3 weeks of malaise the drug will surprise and it will be better suddenly.?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Sometimes at the beginning of the use of drugs acting on the nervous system, side effects and malaise are more intense, and after a while these ailments disappear or become less saturated. Sometimes, however, the patient does not tolerate the medicine well even after prolonged use. I enclose additional information about the drugs Paroxinor and Mirtagen. Prescription drugs can be booked online and picked up stationary upon presentation of a prescription: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/49644/mirtagen-tabletki-ulegajace-rozpadowi-w-jamie-ustnej/apteki/w-warszawie https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/59714/paroxinor-tabletki-powlekane/apteki/w-warszawie You can also help our recording:

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