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wojtek (Anonymous, 80.253.213.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can the DPP Plus dietary supplement affect the result of elastase in the stool?

Can the DPP Plus dietary supplement affect the result of elastase in the stool? I ate one day in the morning, and the next day I took feces in the morning for the examination. Could this have distorted the result?

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Barbara Kołodziejska Pharmacist

1 year ago

None of the components of the DPP Plus supplement should affect the result of the stool test. Elastase is an enzyme secreted by the pancreas and is involved in the digestion of proteins. It is not digested and in unchanged form is excreted in the feces. Thanks to this, it is easy to assess the degree of pancreatic insufficiency. The composition of the preparation includes digestive enzymes m.in: cellulase; amylase; lipase; lactase - helping in the proper process of breaking down proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition, the supplement contains dill and papaya. There is no enzyme in the composition that could artificially inflate the level of elastase. For the future, however, it is better to refrain from taking supplements that affect digestive processes. It is only recommended to increase the supply of dietary fiber a few days before taking the sample for testing, in order to improve intestinal peristalsis.

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