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Sylwek (Anonymous, 31.0.121.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Could the ligature sleep from the braces lock?

Good morning, today I was put on braces, but while brushing my teeth I noticed that one of the ligatures is only on three hooks of the lock. Could it have fallen off the hook or is it possible that it was put on so specially?

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Barbara Kołodziejska Pharmacist

1 year ago

Any doubts, comments, problems while wearing the camera, etc. It's always best to discuss it with your orthodontist. He knows the treatment plan and executes it according to his knowledge. Whether a ligature is inserted can be determined by the type of lock glued to the tooth. In medicine, there are so-called self-ligating locks, which do not require the installation of "rubber bands". Therefore, the best answer to your question will be given by your attending physician. From my experience, I have not met that the ligature spontaneously falls from the lock. When wearing fixed braces, proper hygiene is very important, which you have probably been informed about in the orthodontist's office. As a reminder, I send you helpful information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/higiena-zebow-przy-aparacie-ortodontycznym

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