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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Tami (Anonymous, 31.0.54.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can hematomas and swelling on the face result from using Neoparin?

Good morning.... Are hematomas and swelling on the face the result of a blow to the head after falling down the stairs, or are they side effects of neoparin? I note that such symptoms arose 2 days after the accident and 1 day after the injection of the drug... neoparin I take because I have a leg in plaster .... Every day on my face I have more puffiness and blue color

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Karolina Żułtaszek-Wikar Pharmacist

1 year ago

Neoparin is a medicine with anticoagulant activity, so a potential side effect of this medicine may be haemorrhages. However, the occurrence of haematomas and swelling at the site unrelated to the injection site is unlikely to be due to the use of Neoparin, and may be the result of an accident. The appearance or change in color of hematomas is associated with changes in blood pigment (haemoglobin) over time. In the event that the swelling does not decrease over time, a medical consultation would be advisable to prescribe appropriate preparations.

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