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Olga (Anonymous, 89.73.176.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Is Multilac baby a suitable probiotic during antibiotic therapy?

Is multilac baby with an antibiotic a good probiotic? Or should it be mono-strain during antibiotic therapy and after its completion only multi-strain? We have an antibiotic 2 times a day. The doctor ordered to administer 2x5 drops and 6 drops are recommended on the package, so how to use safely?

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Agata Sikora Pharmacist

1 year ago

Multilac baby is a synbiotic (a combination of probiotics and prebiotic), which is a good choice during antibiotic therapy. The dosage given on the package applies to cases when it is used alone, if the doctor has matched the dosage to antibiotic therapy, his recommendations should be followed. Single-strain probiotics colonize the intestines faster, effectively displace pathogenic bacteria and allow the normalization of intestinal microflora, but this does not mean that the multi-strain product is worse. I recommend the posts: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/3-kroki-do-zdrowych-jelit https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/probiotyki-czy-warto-stosowac-leki-oslonowe More information about the product and the possibility of comparing prices and orders in online pharmacies can be found below: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/96197/multilac-baby-synbiotyk-krople/apteki

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