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Alicja  (Anonymous, 83.23.249.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can Nonpres and Karbis be taken at the same time?

Hello or nonpres 25 take together with carbis 16mg or keep the interval

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Szymon Siudak Pharmacist

1 year ago

If this is the beginning of treatment with these drugs, I recommend about a 2-hour interval between them, so that there will be no overlapping effects of both drugs at the same time. On the other hand, if these drugs are taken for more than 4 weeks, there is no problem to take them together, because the risk of a temporary stronger drop in blood pressure is then lower. Nonpres contains eplerenone in its composition. It is a drug belonging to the so-called potassium-sparing diuretics, although it is worth noting that its diuretic effect is not very strong. Therefore, first of all, I would like to pay attention to always take the medicine in the morning and at the latest at noon, which will reduce the need for micturition during the night. In addition, please remember to perform an electrolyte test at least once a year to control the level of potassium in the body. Therefore, please remember to pay attention to potassium contained in many over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements, e.g. preparations with magnesium. When using the drug Nonpres, it is better to choose a preparation with magnesium alone, already without a combination with potassium. Karbis contains candesartan, a medicine used to treat high blood pressure. Once a day, candesartan provides an effective reduction in blood pressure for more than 24 hours. Between successive doses, there is a slight difference between the maximum and minimum effect of the drug. I enclose links through which you can check the availability of the described drugs in a specific pharmacy, and even make their reservation: - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/54385/nonpres-tabletki-powlekane/apteki; - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/39768/karbis-tabletki/apteki. I also enclose a link to an article that may be interesting: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/nadcisnienie.

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