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Warszawa 19 months ago

Does menstruation affect the result of the pregnancy test?

Does menstruation affect the result of the pregnancy test? I was 12 days late, however, it was scanty and lasted 4 days, today on the 4th day of menstruation I did a pregnancy test from morning urine because I did not notice bleeding and it showed a negative result. The last intercourse on 28.10.2022, I also performed tests on the day of the expected menstruation and after it and everyone was negative. However, this scanty menstruation worries me, could it indicate pregnancy?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

To @Agnieszka Skalińska:

Please clarify the question, what exactly do you want to ask?

Agnieszka Skalinska  (Anonymous, 164.127.216.) 1 day ago

Pregnancy test positive effect of the test Agnieszka Skalinska

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

19 months ago

Menstruation does not falsify the result of the pregnancy test. If the tests are negative, it means that you are not pregnant. Scanty menstruation does not indicate pregnancy.

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