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Gabriela (Anonymous, 91.200.238.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Is Xarelto 15 mg free for cardioverter patients?

Is Xarelto 15mg free for cardioverter patients

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

The range of reimbursable indications for Xarelto includes the treatment and prevention of pulmonary embolism and the prevention of recurrent deep vein thrombosis in adults. Cardiac arrhythmias and associated implantation of a cardioverter are not an indication for reimbursement of Xarelto. Unless other diseases constituting the basis for reimbursement have been found, the drug is not entitled to a patient over 75 years of age free of charge. I encourage you to read our articles on reimbursement and free medicines for seniors: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/darmowe-leki-dla-seniora https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/kiedy-lek-nalezy-sie-na-znizke

Gabriela (Anonymous, 91.200.238.) 1 year ago

Is Xarelto 15mg free for cardioverter patients for people over 75 years of age

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