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Natalia (Anonymous, 31.0.63.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Should I go to the gynecologist if I have nausea and my period is 33 days late?

For several days I have had boredom and evening vomiting. I have a period of 33 days. Today in the morning I did a pregnancy test on the belt and came out negative.I feel discomfort in the ovaries and in the lower abdomen. I do not know what to do or wait a few days and do another or isc to the gynecologist?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

If for more than a month there was no planned bleeding, and you have ailments, then there is no point in waiting any longer and it is best to go to the gynecologist. After more than a month from the expected date of menstruation, the test should already show pregnancy without any problems if it happened. In general, pregnancy tests after about 14 days after intercourse can already be considered reliable. In your post, however, there is not much information about the relations or regularity of the previous cycles. So you can repeat the test if there are any doubts about the possibility of getting pregnant, but this should not delay the consultation with your doctor.

Natalia (Anonymous, 89.64.99.) 1 year ago

Today in the evening about 23 hours I started to slightly stain the boredom subsided. My months were irregular and I often got married. She has been having sex with parneren for a year and we do not use any protection or contraception. For the last month, we have had a close-up almost every day. On a daily basis I have a lot of stress so I take it into account that it can also be the result of the period. My cycles lasted 28-30 times and longer

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