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Ania (Anonymous, 78.11.216.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can I stop taking Saxenda for a week on my own to increase the effect?

Saxende takes from 5 months. For about the first 3 months I lost 7 kg, I felt reduced appetite, sweets may not exist. For about a month I have not felt the above. On the contrary. Back I feel like something sweet and I started to feel hunger more often. I wonder if stopping the drug for a week or two and starting again (of course from the lowest dose) is a good idea? Could it bring effects as in the initial months of treatment?

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Agata Sikora Pharmacist

1 year ago

Take Saxenda exactly as prescribed by your doctor, do not stop taking Saxenda and adjust the dosage on your own. The dosage of Saxenda is determined by the doctor individually for each patient, and abrupt withdrawal can have the opposite effect - an increase in appetite and an even greater feeling of hunger and desire for sweet meals. If you have the impression that the medicine is less effective, you should consult your doctor to determine what to do next. Until the visit, in addition to a varied diet, you can use dietary supplements containing chromium in the composition, which will reduce the appetite for sweets. Below are links to some preparations available in pharmacies without a prescription - you can compare prices here and order the product you need: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/95193/naturell-chrom-organiczny-b3-tabletki-do-ssania-gryzienia-zucia/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/17664/chrom-activ-tabletki/apteki I recommend the entry: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/fakty-i-mity-o-odchudzaniu

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