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Warszawa 1 year ago

What to do after skipping a Qlairy tablet?

Hi, I'm taking Qlaira birth control pills, I forgot to take the pill yesterday and according to the leaflet I should not take the overdue one and start a new blister, although I have been prescribed new contraceptive pills Slinda and hence my question whether in this case not to finish this blister, wait until I get my period and start these other pills?

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Barbara Kołodziejska Pharmacist

1 year ago

If I understand correctly, the break in taking the tablets occurred between the 18th and 24th day - this is when the recommended course of action is to start a new package of the drug. In your case, however, you can start using a new drug at this point, right away, without taking a break for bleeding. In the "classic" case of switching from Qlaira to Slinda, you can do two things: 1. Immediately after finishing taking the last active tablet of Qlaira, take the first tablet of the new preparation (then you do not need to use additional protection) 2. Take Qlaira until the end of the placebo tablets and start taking the new medicine no later than the day after the end of the usual break (An additional method of contraception is recommended in this case for a period of 7 days). On the pages of the GdziePoLek.pl you can find extensive studies on the use of oral contraception and the management of missed pills: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/tabletki-antykoncepcyjne-jednoskladnikowe https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/tabletki-antykoncepcyjne-dwuskladnikowe

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