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Pawela (Anonymous, 45.85.187.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Are Qlaira birth control pills the least effective?

Hello. Is it true that using Qlaira pills, of course, with all the guidelines, many women have experienced ovulation and thus unplanned pregnancy? On various forums where women write about unplanned pregnancy on pills, this name most often appears. Is Qlaira actually less effective compared to other pills?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Qlaira is the only pills available on the market with such a composition, so you can not compare them with other contraceptive pills on the market. Each contraceptive pill has a specific so-called Pearl index, which can be found in the leaflet or Summary of Product Characteristics. The Pearl Index (index) represents the number of unwanted pregnancies that occurred during regular sexual intercourse in 100 couples using a given method of contraception for a year. The lower the value of the Pearl index, the more effective the contraceptive method. For Qlaira tablets for women between 18-50 years of age, this indicator is 0.42-0.77. For other drugs with a somewhat similar composition, this indicator ranges from 0.182-0.454. So it's lower. It can theoretically be concluded that other tablets with a similar composition will be more effective. In addition, however, there is regularity, correct use of tablets, whether there are factors such as diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Thus, it is not possible to state unequivocally that Qlaira tablets are the least effective. More detailed studies would be needed. I attach links to helpful entries: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/73140/czy-tabletki-antykoncepcyjne-sa-skutecznym-srodkiem-antykoncepcji-czy-dla-pewnosci-mozna-uzywac-rown https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/tabletki-antykoncepcyjne-dwuskladnikowe

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