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Ania R (Anonymous, 5.173.104.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can I take Debretin and PPIs at the same time?

Is it possible to take Debretin and PPI 20mg at the same time? In the morning I also take Letrox and I do not really know how to spread everything over time. I should take Debretin 3 times a day

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Szymon Siudak Pharmacist

1 year ago

There are no contraindications to combining ppIs and Debretin, and they are even groups of drugs often combined with each other in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. To facilitate dosing, I suggest taking Letrox about an hour before breakfast and taking ppIs about half an hour before breakfast. On the other hand, before the three main meals during the day, take one tablet of Debretin each. There are clinical studies showing that in the case of people with hypothyroidism regularly using preparations with levothyroxine (in this case Letrox) there are no contraindications to their simultaneous use with proton pump inhibitors (in this case the PPI drug). Please note, however, that the pH disturbance of gastric juice alone may affect the absorption of Letrox. Therefore, I pay attention to monitor during treatment with proton pump inhibitors whether there are symptoms of levothyroxine overdose such as: arrhythmias, palpitations, headache, muscle weakness, hot flashes, fever, vomiting, menstrual disorders, restlessness, insomnia, excessive sweating, diarrhea. If you do, contact your doctor to adjust your dose of Letrox. For my part, I also draw attention to the possibility of including preparations with a substance called sodium butyrate in the treatment. Indications for the use of this compound are, m.in, disorders of gastrointestinal motility, inflammation of the gastric mucosa or irritable intestine. Sodium butyrate has a nutritional function in relation to the cells of the gastrointestinal tract and thus supports their work. I emphasize that the inclusion of this compound in pharmacotherapy does not interfere with the drugs used. Preparations with sodium butyrate that are currently available on the market can be found in this link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/substancje/maslan-sodu.

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