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lila (Anonymous, 94.254.174.) Warszawa 1 year ago

How effective is the beta-HCG test?

How effective is the Beta HCG test? could it be wrong?

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Karolina Żułtaszek-Wikar Pharmacist

1 year ago

Determination of the concentration of beta-HCG (chorionic gonadotropin) is a thorough examination that allows you to detect pregnancy or possible diseases. This hormone obtains much higher concentrations in the blood when fertilization has occurred or if the patient has any diseases related to the overproduction of hormones. The most accurate confirmation of your state of health can be made by going to the gynecologist for an ultrasound examination.

Karolina Żułtaszek-Wikar Pharmacist

1 year ago

In most cases, this test allows you to determine the actual concentration of chorionic gonadotropin. Of course, there is a chance that there was, for example, an error when measuring the concentration of a substance or potential contamination of the sample, so to make sure that the result is correct, you can perform this test again in the same or another laboratory.

lila (Anonymous, 94.254.174.) 1 year ago

And can it be wrong and not indicate pregnancy?

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