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Karolina (Anonymous, 31.0.124.) Warszawa 1 year ago

How to deal with acne after birth control pills during breastfeeding?

Hi, I took a whole box of limetic 28 tablets yesterday I took the last one today I did not take. I'm going to wean because my whole face was sprinkled with sore wounds, the skin comes down in this place and something oozes, the cheeks spread throughout the face, chin nose, eyebrow forehead, the doctor only in two weeks. So far, if I do not take them, will my complexion not deteriorate? Dermatologist arranged in a few days . add that breastfeeding. Please reply

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Szymon Siudak Pharmacist

1 year ago

After discontinuation of Limetic tablets, the complexion should gradually improve, but this will not happen "overnight". Unfortunately, it cannot be ruled out that the skin will not improve for a few more days, and even its condition will deteriorate. This is associated with oozing lesions that indicate severe inflammation. The key issue now is proper facial hygiene, which will significantly accelerate the regeneration of the skin. More about how to care for acne skin can be read in this article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/dermokosmetyki-do-skory-tradzikowej. I emphasize that in the case of breastfeeding, first of all, focus on proper skin care and remember that some preparations for acne, e.g. with retinol, are contraindicated. In the described case, the addition of hormonal tablets probably caused such a large hormonal imbalance that, unfortunately, one of the side effects occurred, namely acne. The most important thing is that you did not stop taking the pills during the cycle, because this would more likely only exacerbate the problem. Stopping the pills and proper care will be crucial until you contact your doctor.

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