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Beata (Anonymous, 77.65.123.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Is it possible that Rupafin intensified persistent skin eruptions?

For 5 days I have been taking the drug Rupafin 10mg (I have a problem with rosacea on an allergic background) Unfortunately, for 2 days my face is burning and I have the impression that this drug TR has intensified. Is this possible? I will add that I changed the drug from Clatra 20mg to Rupafin hoping that I would get rid of persistent skin eruptions. of course, this drug was recommended to me by an allergist.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

At the outset, it should be noted that any modifications in the therapy should be made after consultation with the attending physician familiar with your current state of health in detail. Rupafin is a second-generation antihistamine with a dual mechanism of action, i.e. it strongly blocks histamine H1 and PAF receptors (platelet activating factor, PAF). This drug is characterized by a wide spectrum of anti-inflammatory action by inhibiting many mediators of the early and late phase of the inflammatory response. The gdziepolek.pl service also allows you to book the drug Rupafin at the nearest pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/68239/rupafin-tabletki/apteki It is unlikely that this drug will intensify skin eruptions. I do not find such information in the Summary of Product Characteristics either. If you are concerned about the effect of the drug, it is best to talk about it with the attending physician familiar with your health condition in detail.

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