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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Barbara  (Anonymous, 217.96.168.) Warszawa 1 year ago

If I have spotting, should I continue to use Microgynon tablets?

Good morning , a question about contraception. I have been taking birth control pills for almost 2.5 years. Microgynon Extended herself this month the package of handcuffs one occasion I did not want to get a period. I have 10 tablets left by the end of the package. Yesterday I had bleeding, it is not too strong, but also scanty not. In general, it feels good. Should I stop the pills or take them to the end? I've never had a situation like this before. Appointment to the doctor at the end of December only.

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Agata Sikora Pharmacist

1 year ago

The started package should be selected to the end, despite the spotting/bleeding. Tablets should be taken in the scheme: 1 tablet for 21 days + 7 days break, the next packages begin after a break. If the ailments worsen or are disturbing, I recommend that you see a doctor. More information about the drug and the possibility of ordering it in pharmacies with personal collection can be found at the link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/48863/microgynon-21-tabletki-powlekane/apteki I recommend entries: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/antykoncepcja-hormonalna https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje

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