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Alicja (Anonymous, 83.28.28.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Should I stop taking Nebicard if my heart is sweating?

It takes 1/4 tab Nebicardu 5mg sweated my heart rate, pulse at rest from 49 to 55 . Should I stop taking this medication?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Any modifications in the treatment of hypertension or tachycardia should be introduced after consultation with the attending physician familiar with your health condition and pressure values. It is difficult for an outsider to propose a specific method of treatment based on such a short description. In people with certain diseases, e.g. heart disease, it is recommended to keep the heart rate at a lower level, which is achieved with appropriate treatment. In this case, a low heart rate, e.g. below 55, does not mean illness. Heart rate is only one of the parameters describing the work of the circulatory system and is always interpreted by the doctor in the context of other symptoms, accompanying diseases and the patient's situation – age, physical condition, medications taken. Nebicard contains nebivolol - a substance that belongs to the III latest generation of beta-blockers. The drug also slows down the work of the heart (lowers the heart rate), but also makes the heart work slower, but more efficiently. It is a preparation with high cardioselectivity, reducing peripheral resistance, with a beneficial effect on the endothelium. If, despite everything, Nebicard is of concern to you, I recommend that you consult your doctor again, who will adjust the treatment according to your current clinical condition. I enclose additional information that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/nadcisnienie https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/leki-na-nadcisnienie

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