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Kasia (Anonymous, 46.204.96.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Will Liberelle trigger my period if I have a Mirena IUD?

Hi I have put on a mirene insert and I want to remove it but I do not have a period of 2 years. I had lutein but menstruation is missing. Now I have lebirelle I already take 7 days to induce a period after 21 days, my stomach hurts from these pills or if I discontinue them now after 7 days is it possible that I will have menstruation? Please answer I have an insert about 2 years but I do not want it.

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

The Mirena system can cause various types of changes in menstruation, such as: spotting (slight blood loss), shorter or longer bleeding, scanty or intense bleeding or lack thereof. Especially after a longer period of use of the IUD, it is more likely to gradually reduce the number of bleeding days and the amount of blood lost each month. In some women, menstruation may eventually come to a complete stop. Amenorrhea when using the Mirena system is therefore not an abnormal phenomenon, but to some extent expected. I do not know, therefore, what indications prevailed that you were ordered drugs "to induce a period", because after removing the menstrual system, they return to a normal state. If you do not want to have an IUD, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist who will remove your system. According to Mirena's documentation, "The doctor can easily remove the system at any time and then it is possible to get pregnant. Removing the system is usually painless. After removing the Mirena system, fertility returns." The occurrence of menstruation is not a prerequisite for removing the IUD. I suppose you are taking not "lebirelle", but Liberelle - a hormonal combined oral contraceptive. As I wrote above, I cannot grasp the reason why such a drug was ordered to you, since you already have a system in you that releases the hormone into the uterine cavity. Under the influence of a hormone from the endometrial system (endometrium) is most likely very thin and it is difficult for me to answer whether the additional use of Liberelle will cause withdrawal bleeding to occur. However, side effects cannot be excluded since the body experiences hormones from two sources. You can read more about Mirena below: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/49634/mirena-przyrzad/apteki

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