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Maja  (Anonymous, 31.11.128.) Warszawa 1 year ago

What is the difference between Liberelle tablets and Hastina?

Hello. About a year ago I took hastina 21+7 pills I decided to return to contraception and today I took the first Liberelle pill. How do they differ, are they equally safe, stronger? Maybe they can cause weight gain? Thank you and best regards

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Hastina 21+7 are two-component contraceptive pills, containing 0.02 mg of ethinylestradiol (estrogen component) and 3 mg of drospirenone (progestogen component). Drospirenone is a progestogen of the IV generation with antiandrogenic activity, thanks to which it has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin. In addition, it reduces the tendency to sodium and water retention in the body, and therefore also the tendency to swelling, breast tenderness and weight gain. Drosperinone is a high-risk substance for venous thromboembolism (VTE). Drosperinone tablets are characterized by about a 6-fold increased risk of VTE compared to the risk in the group not using hormonal contraception and about 2 times an increased risk of VTE compared to the risk in the group of women using low-risk hormonal contraceptives. More information can be found in the leaflet: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/89144/hastina-217-tabletki-powlekane/ulotka Liberelle are also two-component tablets, but contain another progestogen component - 0.25 mg of norgestistat and a higher dose of ethinyl estradiol - 0.035 mg (this does not play a significant role in the properties of the tablets). These tablets are also taken in the 21+7 regimen, i.e. 21 days of using tablets with hormones and 7 days of break. Norgestymat is a low-allergen progestogen of the third generation - it has a small impact on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and on the coagulation system, body weight and blood pressure. It is one of the low-risk substances of VTE, which is why it is most often used in women over 35 years of age. For more information, see the leaflet: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/98409/liberelle-tabletki/ulotka

Maja  (Anonymous, 31.11.128.) 1 year ago


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